We are happy to offer two new services beginning in September 2024
Headstone Cleaning
Our staff will carefully scrub, wash, and clean off dirt,
debris, and bird droppings using a mild soap safe for headstones. Soft brushes will be used.
This is scrubbing and rinsing only. One-time or Monthly Service options are available. This program is
convenient and serves everyone who would like to keep their family or friends headstone looking clean.
Silk Flower Placement Program
Artificial Flowers placed on a single grave by our staff
during a month that you designate. Artificial flowers
used will reflect the seasons. Example: Silk Poinsettia
may be used in December. Available as one-time or monthly options. This program is convenient and serves everyone who wishes to remember loved ones but may be unable to place flowers personally. This program ensures that your floral placement will be placed by our staff monthly, or a month of your choosing.
For more information and pricing estimates, stop in the office, located in the middle of the cemetery from 10-2 pm Monday through Friday, or email bridgetowncemetery@aol.com for an appointment.