Saturday, February 8, 2025

Spring Cleanup Notice


Effective March 1st, 2025, our grounds crew will begin our annual early spring cemetery cleanup.  Please remove any items, including decorations AND shepherd's hooks, from graves you would like to keep.  If you cannot make it in to clean off graves, please contact our cemetery office at 513-574-0360 to arrange for our grounds crew to save your items for you to pick up later.

Monday, December 16, 2024

Important Announcement Regarding Shepherds Hooks

To ensure the safety of our visitors, staff, and equipment, we kindly ask that Shepherds Hooks not be placed on graves from March 1st though October 31st.  During this time period, it has been found that these items have posed potential hazards to cemetery workers & visitors, and have caused damage to mowing and maintenance equipment.  

We truly value your understanding and cooperation in helping us maintain a safe and respectful environment for everyone.

Shepherds Hooks are welcome from November 1st through February 28th, when regular mowing operations have finished for the winter months.  

Thank you for your continued support and understanding.  If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office at 513-574-0360.

Winter Weather Notice


In the event of winter weather, please do not drive or walk on cemetery roads if they are snow or ice covered.  Cemetery roads are considered CLOSED and assumed to be slick and dangerous until our grounds crew has plowed them.  Thank you for your cooperation.

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Thank You for your donations!


Because of your generosity in our previous annual holiday donation campaign letter in 2022, we have were able to begin the first phase of our driveway rehabilitation program.  You will notice that the Harrison Ave entrance is completely resurfaced, and numerous parts of our driveway have been repaired.  The job still needs to be completed- three more sections of the driveway require replacement.  Unfortunately, with our 2023 donation letter, we did not collect enough in donations to resurface our next section of driveway.  Many have asked our staff if they can still donate- Yes!  

Please send a check to:

Bridgetown Cemetery
Attn: Annual Donations 
4337 Harrison Ave 
Cincinnati Ohio 45211 

If you or your business would like to donate enough for the naming rights to a section of our road in memory of a loved one or in recognition of a business, contact our office at 513-574-0360.  All donations are tax-deductible, and receipts will be provided upon request.

Thank you for your patience as we continue into the second phase of road rehabilitation.  Further road closures may be possible later in the year as we proceed with more road work as donations allow.

Wreaths Across America 2024--December 14th, 2024

Thank you to the Green Township VFW 10380!

In partnership with the Green Township VFW Post 10380 we are proud to annually host a ceremony commemorating veterans buried in our cemetery on the nationally recognized Wreaths Across America Day.  This dignified, solemn ceremony is organized and carried out by the Green Township VFW Post 10380.   

What is Wreaths Across America?

WAA’s mission – Remember, Honor, Teach – is carried out in part by coordinating wreath-laying ceremonies at Arlington National Cemetery, veterans’ cemeteries, and other locations in all 50 states. Every year since 2008, Congress proclaims a Saturday in December as National Wreaths Across America Day. This year, this event was held on Saturday, Dec. 14, 2024 at 12 pm.


Monday, September 2, 2024

New Services

 We are happy to offer two new services beginning in September 2024

Headstone Cleaning

Our staff will carefully scrub, wash, and clean off dirt, debris, and bird droppings using a mild soap safe for headstones. Soft brushes will be used. This is scrubbing and rinsing only. One-time or Monthly Service options are available.  This program is convenient and serves everyone who would like to keep their family or friends headstone looking clean.

Silk Flower Placement Program

Artificial Flowers placed on a single grave by our staff during a month that you designate. Artificial flowers used will reflect the seasons. Example: Silk Poinsettia may be used in December.  Available as one-time or monthly options.  This program is convenient and serves everyone who wishes to remember loved ones but may be unable to place flowers personally. This program ensures that your floral placement will be placed by our staff monthly, or a month of your choosing.

For more information and pricing estimates, stop in the office, located in the middle of the cemetery from 10-2 pm Monday through Friday, or email for an appointment.

Tuesday, November 1, 2022


Welcome to the website of Bridgetown Cemetery.  For over 150 years, we have proudly provided our services to Green Township, Cheviot, Western Hills, and surrounding areas of Cincinnati. We hope that you will find everything you need located here.  For further information, please contact the Cemetery office at 513-574-0360

Cemetery Visiting Hours:

Roads open at Dawn 

Roads close at Dusk 

365 days a year

Administration Office Hours:

Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 10 am -- 2 pm.

Please call 513-574-0360 to schedule an appointment with our staff.